MCM Mining Rig Build Guide

Getting Started Can I mine Mochimo with cheap parts from Amazon? Yes You Can! The recommended setup for MCM is very entry level. You can actually purchase very low end parts, old parts, or even used parts to get started and expand from there. For this build I tried to […]

API 文档

API地址 获取矿池币种信息 Request:  GET /coins Response: { “code”: 0, “data”: [ { “coin”: “BSHA3”, “fee”: 0, “minPay”: 0.1, “poolHashrate”: 11.6, “poolHashrateUnit”: “GH/s”, “netHashrate”: 1, “netHashrateUnit”: “H/s” }, { “coin”: “CKB”, “fee”: 0, “minPay”: 0.1, “poolHashrate”: 0, “poolHashrateUnit”: “H/s”, “netHashrate”: 1, “netHashrateUnit”: “H/s” } ] } coin:  币种代码 fee: 手续费百分比 […]

MCM launched on hashpool

Currency for the Post-Quantum Era A truly decentralized quantum-resistant blockchain that’s lightweight, fast and scales. Blockchain reborn and rewritten with a poetic license. Maximum Supply: 76,533,882 Mineable Coins: 71,776,816 (93.8%) Mining Algorithm: Trigg’s Algorithm – PoW Difficulty Adjustment: Every Block Target Block Time: 337.5 Seconds Genesis Block: June 25th, 2018 […]

Mochimo GUI Wallet

Installation Mojo itself is a portable application that does not need to be installed, but requires at least Java version 8 to be installed in order to run. In most cases, double clicking the JAR file is sufficient to run the application. If this fails, it can be started by entering the following command […]